Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


Welcome to the newly revamped home of Hello Hue blog!

Friends, I'm so excited for this new change. I was pretty nervous about it and how things would go since I feel so established as Aisle to Aloha, but you guys eased my worries. Can you believe that the new Hello Hue Facebook page already has over 350 fans? Um, you people amaze me. Thank you for all the support!

My vision for Hello Hue is that it will continue to be the same happy, bright place that I really tried to make Aisle to Aloha. I'll be continuing with the same post content, but hope to continue in my 'grow' resolution by both simplifying the things that aren't working for me and possibly adding in some new features and series that I think will make this blog even better.

My sweet friend, Oana, spent so much time going back and forth with me on ideas and she's the lovely talent behind this new branding. Thank you friend!!

Want to see more of the new Hello Hue branding and join me in the switch? 

Hop over to the Hello Hue Studio!  
Become a fan on the Hello Hue Facebook page! 
Follow hello_hue on twitter! 
Wanna chat? Email me at

If you want to help spread the word about my name/branding switch, you'd make me oh-so-happy! 

Grab either one of these suh-weet blog buttons for your blog sidebar. The grab codes are on my right sidebar over there. ---->

Hello Hue

And as a little 'mahalo' for being so rad, if you're in the shopping mood this week, take 20% off your Hello Hue Studio order with the code "HELLOHUE" at checkout!

I'm still working on tinkering with some things, so bear with me as I work out all the kinks this week. The domain name up there will be different soon, but should all direct easily from the old one. I'll give you all the deets when I get that worked out.

Hope you love it as much as I do!


aloha style: didja know i love color?!

out with the old...