Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

his name.

We're excited to share our little guy's name with you today. It's almost nerve-wracking because it's something that we've spent a long time pondering and praying about and we hold it so close to our hearts. But you, my readers, friends and family, are such a big part of our lives and we want to share it with you! 

His name is Silas Kai and we can't wait to hold him in our arms. 

We knew when we cut through that blue cake that it might be a tough struggle to decide on a name. Boy names are tough! What a sacred thing a name is! He'll have it his whole life and in many ways, it will define him. We love the name we chose and here's why. 

Silas is a name that we not only love the sound and feel of, but the Biblical and literal meaning are precious too.

 Silas was a man in the New Testament who was dedicated to spreading the Good News of the Gospel along side Paul and the other apostles. In one particular account in Acts, Paul and Silas were put in prison, after being beaten and treated poorly. Despite being exhausted, injured and discouraged, they began singing praises to God in the middle of the night. God used their praises as a means of rescue and testimony to those imprisoned around them and even their guard. 

(You can read more about that in Acts 16:16-40)

We hope that our Silas will be the kind of boy, and eventually man, who will continue to praise and follow God through the really hard times he is sure to face. God doesn't promise us smooth sailing if we follow Him, but He promises to never leave us and I pray that He will use our Silas as a witness to others. 

The name Silas also means "man of the forest" and I love that it reflects Chris' own love of the forest and all the adventures he's had there. 

The name Kai reflects another love of Chris'. Kai means "ocean" in Hawaiian. The forest and the ocean are two of Chris' loves and I think it's beautiful that both are including in Silas' name. I've said it before, but I sure hope that our son will develop an adventurous spirit like his dad and will grow to love the forest and the ocean too. 

We don't have Hawaiian blood, but it has most certainly settled itself in our hearts and hopefully Silas will have a chance to live here and discover it for himself one day. 

Now that we are sharing his name, I find that I love it more and more each time I write it or say it. I can't wait to put a face to that name! 


aloha style:: me + mimi {kelly moore bag review}
