Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

monday random.

I promise not to get all instagram-y on you now that I have the app on my phone. But I might just share some recent photos with you every now and then-- especially when I have nothing particularly interesting to blog about. 

Like today. ;)

Here are a few random tidbits for you. 

>> I slept 12 hours last night. I never do that. I guess baby needed the rest or something. Don't tell Chris. He'll want to go to bed at 5:30 tonight so he gets his own 12 hours. 

>> My back is finally starting to feel better. Thanks for all the recommendations on my last bump post to see a chiropractor -- I may still end up going to one if any issues pop back up. 

>> I learned how to make an Italian soda yesterday. My sweet friend, Kimiko brought them to our Easter beach brunch and I think I may have found a new obsession. 

>> Chris broke his favorite board while surfing on Saturday. So sad and such weird timing. We're leaving soon, so we won't need it for much longer, but it probably won't be fixed in time to take advantage of the waves like he was hoping. 

>> In three weeks, I have to pack 6 weeks worth of clothing and essentials for our move. Not sure how I'm going to accomplish that. 

>> The sky has been quite overcast and rainy at times this weekend. I love the sunshine, but I really love a rainy day. I can't wait for the thunderstorms in Florida!

Oh, and two blog/shop announcements::

>> I announced on Twitter and Facebook, but thought I'd let you know that I'm going to take a break from the Little Things linkup for a while. I love hosting it and reading your posts, but just need a break from the routine while we prepare for our move. Thanks for linking up with me each week!

>> Also, the shop is closing down! Everything must go before our move, so please take 25% off your order with the code ALOHA25 at checkout! 

Ok, now I'm off to vacuum the house. Fascinating, I know. 

(Coming up this week-- a {what I've learned} photography edition, some nursery inspiration, a bump update and outfit post...)


what will he do with his one wild and precious life? {nursery plans!}

for me and for you.