Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 23 weeks!

Not much new to report this week. I guess I'm a bit confused because apparently the second trimester is supposed to be the easiest, but some days I swear Chris thinks I'm dying by the way I huff and puff. Getting around is just not as easy as it used to be and I'm having a hard time realizing that I can't jump up from the couch like I used to, or plop into a chair, or even bend over to pick up something on the floor. If the second trimester involves this much huffing and puffing, I can only imagine what the third will be like! 

Highlights of the week are many. Several times this week, the baby has kicked Chris in what seems like a very deliberate way. One night we were watching tv and Chris' elbow was resting on my belly and the baby kicked hard right where his elbow was as if to say "Hey Dad, stop squishing me!" Moments like that fill me with amazement and I can't decide if I want to laugh or cry. 

So I usually do a bit of both. 

Hearing Chris have silly conversations with the little man does that to me too. I can only imagine the giant puddle of mush I'll turn into when I see him holding his little boy for the first time. 

Speaking of the babe's movements-- jeez louise, he's a fiesty guy! I feel so privileged that I get to feel him all day, every day. His movements have become so much stronger now and are not just kicks, but I can actually feel as he somersaults and does laps in there. I swear sometimes I feel a leg or foot or arm slide along my belly. So crazy. 

Still working on a middle name. It's been kind of sweet keeping his name to ourselves for a little while though. 

I'm excited about the baby showers that some sweet friends and sisters are planning for the next few weeks/months. We're so blessed to have so many people all over the globe that love this little guy and are excited to celebrate with us! 

Time is flying by. It won't be long before we're packing up and saying goodbye to our island home. Oh don't get me started on that, I might get to crying again. 



looking for an alternative to picnik?