Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 24 weeks!

Ok, that's a lot of pictures of the bump. But I've gotta keep my sisters back on the East Coast in the 'bump loop'. I hate that they're missing basically my whole pregnancy, but I'm super excited to see them all in just a few weeks when we visit Maryland! 

We had our 24 week appointment this week and Silas is growing strong! While we were listening to his heartbeat, you could hear the whooshing sounds of him wiggling around. Kiddo likes to move. I think Chris is a bit afraid of how active this boy is going to be when he gets out here. ;) 

My heartburn has been killer this week. Anything will set it off and I've even woken up in the middle of the night in pain because of it. My OB prescribed me Zantac this week and the past two days have been heavenly. I feel like a normal person again! Hallelujah for modern medicine. 

Thank you, thank you for all your kind words on our little man's name (if you missed that post, check it out here!) We love it even more after sharing it with our friends and family. Still trying to figure out how to spell his nickname-- Si/Sy/Sai? As a Spanish major in college, "Si" looks like "see" to me, but it's it fits the spelling of his full name. I dunno. 

Things are about to get real crazy around here as we prepare for our move. Gotta figure out switching doctors, birth classes in Florida, and those little details that go along with that. I'm excited about the birthing options open to us in Florida-- much more so than here, so that is a great blessing. 

Off to get the lil' dude a second breakfast. The strawberries in the fridge are calling my name. 


bits and pieces.

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