Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 25 weeks!

25 weeks! I feel like it was not too long ago that we were so excited about announcing our little gummy bear and now we know so much about him-- his crazy dance moves, the fact that he loves to kick mama in the bladder (haha, isn't that funny?) and his precious name. 

Because of an issue with my placenta, we get to go in tomorrow to see Silas again. I'm not too worried because neither the ultrasound tech or my doctors seem worried, but I'm thankful that we get to see him again and trusting that God is growing him just the way he's supposed to be. 

Oh boy, have I learned a lot about trust during this pregnancy. I've had to hand so many things over to God and trust that He knows exactly what we need, what we can handle and what will best bring Him glory. We're so excited to raise this little one and hope one day he'll make his own decision to know and follow God. 

Some of my favorite moments from the weeks past have been the early morning minutes when Chris comes in to say goodbye for the day and he leans in close and prays for Silas. Hearing him pray for his physical development, for us as parents as we raise him and even his future wife is something I will forever hold close to my heart and treasure. 

Another of my favorite parts of this week was my baby shower thrown by my sweet girl friends. I'm excited to show you some of the beautiful photos taken by my friend Rachel, but until then, I'll just say that Chris, Silas and I couldn't be more blessed by our dear sweet friends and I'm amazed at the way they all love him already. 

As far as the physical goes, I feel pretty much the same this week as last. Pretty uncomfortable, a bit of back pain, and wondering what the third trimester will be if I'm huffing and puffing this much in the second. Hopefully the busy-ness of moving, visiting family and settling in Florida will keep my mind off the unpleasantries... maybe?


PS. Apparently my belly and boobs decided they wanted to eat my belt today. Awkward. 

this and that.

the aloha list.