Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 26 weeks!

Oh boy. 

This week has been rough, guys.  Right now I'm sitting on our makeshift couch with my feet propped up on a plastic lawn chair and my back is throbbing. I think I'm trying to do more than my body is willing to support this week and it's definitely making protests heard. It's a tough realization that I can't do everything I used to do. And my very real feelings about leaving Hawaii and being in transition for a month are overwhelming at moments. 

I guess you could say I'm feeling pretty pathetic today. 


I'm thankful.

Thankful that the pack out went smoothly on Tuesday. 

Thankful for friends who loan us furniture, pots and pans while we're in our empty house. 

Thankful for this baby boy who keeps me company each day and makes me smile like no one else. 

Thankful that our ultrasound last Friday went well and he is growing right on track! 

Even in the trying times, I know with all my heart that God is taking care of us. 

I'm pretty amazed that we're at 26 weeks already and by the time we leave Hawaii, I'll be in my third trimester. I'm over the moon excited to hug my family and let them feel Silas' wild kicks in my belly. To relax in my childhood home for a few weeks and spend time on the river at Chris' parents house. Looking forward to that rejuvenating visit before we head down to Florida to start our new adventures. 

Now I'm off to eat some cereal out of a tupperware container. :) 


snapshots from a busy week.

sunrise hike.