Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 29 weeks!

Silas and I hit 29 weeks on Tuesday and boy, am I feeling it. At the moment, kiddo is up in my ribs and making it hard for mama to breathe. I've been more exhausted than I thought would be possible simply from an hour of walking and my heartburn is back with a vengeance. (Even with my prescription Zantac and gobbling Tums... many tears were shed at 2am this morning I was in such pain.)

 I have really loved being pregnant, but this past week has made me weary and ready to have my body back to "normal", whatever that will mean from now on. I'm also ready to just be done with this transition and start making up our home in Florida. 

My sisters (on Chris' side and my side!) threw me two different baby showers this past weekend. We feel overwhelmingly blessed by all of the friends and family that love this little boy already. I'm so excited that we will be closer to home now so they can watch Si grow. 

I've also been feeling pretty mushy about Si's daddy this week. We celebrated Chris' birthday on Monday and our third anniversary yesterday. More times than I can count this week, I've glanced over at my husband and felt a rush of joy knowing he is by my side. More than anything, the sight I look forward to most is seeing him hold our baby boy in a few months. 

My parents' house is quiet right now so I'm going to steal some time for a bubble bath and a nap before an epic sushi making night with my little brother and sister later. 


inspire me monday:: gray couches

my little buffalo giveaway winner!