Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

getting settled... sort of.

It felt like Christmas morning when the movers knocked on our door Thursday morning and started hauling boxes into our apartment. They even grabbed one of our kitchen chairs from the crates for me to sit on. That was heavenly.

We've unpacked all the boxes, but that just means there are piles of stuff everywhere. It feels pretty chaotic, but I'm trying to carve out a few spaces for to rest both our eyes and our butts.

Our apartment has tons of space, but half the storage space of our house in Hawaii, so it's been quite a challenge figuring out where things go. The pantry items are in the hall closet and our bikes are in the guest closet. 

So, we're getting settled physically and working on getting settled emotionally here. We've found a church that we like and bought an annual pass for a beautiful state park/beach near us. Still haven't found a coffee shop near us and praying for God to send some friends our way. Praying that we would use this year in Florida wisely-- not sure what that looks like right now, but I'm trying to use this temporary lonely time to draw near to Him and prepare for our growing family.


it's the little things:: tiny tees and your emails

it's the little things:: let's get it started again!