Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 32 weeks!

So, yeah. 32 weeks, people.

I've got swollen elephant feet (my left sandal actually broke the other day!) , ridiculous heartburn (still) and a baby that loves to dance. Or do somersaults. Or swim laps. Whatever he's doing in there, I'm so glad that he lets me know that he's growing strong and healthy. I've heard that a baby's movement patterns hint at their schedule after their born. If that's the case, I wonder when this child will ever sleep!

I'm excited to have my first visit with my new midwife tomorrow! God does a pretty incredible job of working out the details and I actually have the same midwife that my sister-in-law had when she gave birth here three years ago! We're looking into an accelerated Bradley method class too. 

It's doing this mama heart good to be able to start setting up Si's nursery this week. Chris put together the crib on Sunday and I found the perfect dresser on Craigslist for his changing table. It's already my favorite room in the house. Every time I walk by it, I can't help but peek in and dream about the joy that will fill it in the months to come.


it's the little things:: let's get it started again!

can i keep it real?