Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 36 weeks!

The waiting game has begun. Technically, he could come any day now, but I'm thinking he's gonna wait until closer to his due date. I haven't had any contractions or hints at labor -- not even a Braxton Hicks. Not sure if this little guy is ready yet, but I'm definitely getting there. 

I waffle between wanting him to come today and praying he waits a few more weeks. I still have lots on my to-do list including projects around the house, a haircut for this girl and a few special dates with Chris. 

Nesting mode has hit big time. Last night I couldn't sleep so I was in the nursery at 2am putting together his packn'play/bassinet in my robe. I've become a little obsessed with getting his nursery squared away, even though he'll be sleeping in our room at first. Not like he will notice if the wall art is hung, but I think it will definitely put my mind at ease to finish before he gets here. 

Thanks for all your incredibly helpful comments on last week's post about packing the hospital bag. I got so many different suggestions that have helped me narrow down what's essential and what's not. If I have time before Si arrives, I'll definitely share what we decided to pack!

I've had a few people comment that a 'dressing your bump' post could be helpful, so I'm planning on writing one up for the next week or two. It's been a fun challenge styling this growing belly and I hope I can share some useful tips!


it's the little things:: pool mornings and globs of paint

giveaway from kiki la' rue boutique!