Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 38 weeks!


With less than two weeks until my due date, we're about as ready as we're gonna be for this kiddo. 

I scrubbed the house (including window sills!) the other day. 

The nursery is complete and I love it! (juicy details to come-- can't wait to share them!)

My hospital bag is packed. 

We took a tour of the hospital last weekend and it feels really comfortable. 

I have a stash of postpartum essentials in our bathroom cabinet. 

The carseat and pack 'n' play are on standby. 

The guest room is livable (not perfect, but it'll work for guests!)

I made curried chicken cider soup last night and put lots in the freezer for an easy meal later on. Also planning on making a batch of my spaghetti sauce later today to pop in the freezer. 

My mom's favorite coffee and sweetener has been bought and is waiting in the pantry for her arrival.

That's all physical stuff, but we're also pretty ready to meet this little man. We can't wait to see who he looks like and put a face to this precious soul we've loved for so long. 

 Can I confess something? I feel like I'm already missing being pregnant. I'm exhausted, uncomfortable and even in pain with this kid riding so low. But I have loved being pregnant and I know I'm going to be sad to not have Si so close to me anymore. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around being a mama, and I know it's going to far exceed any expectations I have. 

I'm looking forward to this weekend with Chris. Every weekend we have together, I feel like we have to savor every moment, lest it be our last just as 'us'. We're going to watch the Olympics opening ceremonies with friends on Friday night and plan on a few fun outings through the weekend. Just wish I could wear an invisibility shield on our outings so I stop getting the "You must be having twins!" comments. 


it's the little things:: speckled eggs and teeny diapers

La Sardina Lomography Winner!