Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

prettifying the guest room.

As  Si's arrival approaches (soon, right?? Hopefully!), I've been a bit of a mad woman about getting our house in order. First, because I know that we won't have the time or desire to do house projects once our baby boy is here. And also, we're expecting lots of friends and family coming to meet Silas and stay with us.

One of my big priorities was getting the guest room/studio squared away. It had become a bit of a storage unit for everything we didn't have room for, but we've slowly been purging and organizing. We bought a futon (long enough for my tall father-in-law to sleep on!), hung my studio shelves above my sawhorse table, and arranged the room in the comfiest arrangement possible. 

And then I set to work prettifying it. :) 

I bought this dresser on Craigslist in Hawaii and have always had dreams of painting it, but no time for it, yet. So, in the meantime, the round wooden knobs got a little makeover. I painted them in alternating floral and chevron patterns with my acrylic paints. They all got a coat of clear gloss enamel spray to protect the designs. I love how they brighten up the dark wood dresser. 

I also added some scrapbook paper to the bottom of this little tray. It used to have some country-esque design, but I painted it white. I thought it needed some color and the scrapbook paper did just the trick! 

The mirror, a $5 clearance steal from Target, also got a coat of "Cozumel" blue paint (from Behr). I don't even remember what color it originally was, but I must have painted it a dark shade of brown before the blue brightened it up! 

Have you done any fun projects around the house lately? 


hooray for august!
