Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Si's nursery tour!

As Silas's nursery has come together over the past three months, it's become my favorite room in the house. Before he was born, I spent a good amount of time in there, reading, blogging, folding his tiny clothes and dreaming about what life would be like when he arrived.

I posted about the inspiration behind his room in this post. The goal was to create a room that reflected our love of adventure, travel and bright colors (and our hope for Si to have wonderful adventures with his life!) without being too "themey". The whole design plan started with the Katie Daisy print that I love so much, and evolved from there. I love the mixture of modern and bright colors, a few industrial, manly touches and a some vintage pieces too. 

It's hard for me to choose my favorite element in the room, but if I had to choose, I think it might be the globe. My brothers and sisters and I grew up spinning that globe with our little fingers in my parents' basement. On our trip home in May, I basically stole it from my parents' attic and knew it would be perfect for the nursery.

I wish I could have done more DIY projects for the room, but moving at 30 weeks pregnant left little energy or motivation to get out the craft supplies. Instead, it makes me happy to have so many handmade pieces from friends all over the world, including his custom crib sheet, beautiful artwork on the wall, as well as blankets, burp cloths and bibs that are getting lots of use!

It's the perfect space for our little man and we're excited to spend more time in there with him now that he's finally here.

Source list::

Adventure Painting:: painted by me
Crib:: Walmart
Crib Sheet:: c/o Parker and Posie
Hawaii map:: Everything is Jake
Stuffed Aardvark:: c/o Land of Nod
Chair:: Ikea
Ottoman:: Target
Side table:: World Market
Lamp:: Ikea
Be Silly print:: Wicked Paper,
Wild and Precious Life print::  Katie Daisy
Metal S:: c/o Land of Nod
Globe:: vintage (my parent's from when I was a kid!) 
Dresser:: vintage, Craigslisted
Changing Pad Cover:: Land of Nod
Orange basket:: shower gift
Wire Baskets:: TJ Maxx
Rug:: Urban Outfitters

Si's birth story:: part one

squishy faced.