Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

don't worry...

... we're still alive over here.

Motherhood is more stressful and tiring, and at the same time, brings me more joy than I even imagined.  All I can think about lately is my baby, when my next nap time is, and what's for dinner. I wish I had more of a desire to blog, but it's been kind of nice to take it easy for a bit. I'm hoping that soon my creative side will re-emerge- it seems to have gone into hiding for now.

Silas is growing fast! Almost too fast, me thinks. He's smiling a ton and starting to coo a bit. We love watching him learn new things about his world every day. I still can't believe I grew this tiny person inside my body.

I'm slowly adjusting to this new life and body. Honestly, I really miss my baby belly. I've never felt as beautiful as when I was pregnant and it's a bit of a shock to go from that to a jello-belly that still makes me appear 4 months pregnant. Getting dressed in the morning is a bit depressing, despite knowing without a doubt that this kiddo is totally worth it. I was thinking perhaps I'd do some postpartum style posts, but seriously, I'm just clueless in that area lately.

So, that's what's going on over here. Lots of sleepless nights, one adorable child, and tons of adjustments for all of us. Instagram is where I'm hanging out most days, so follow me over there if you need some cute baby fixes.

Now let's see if I can sneak some lunch in while Si snoozes...

pier walking.

Si's birth story, part two