Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

day in the life.

The other day, I attempted a photo-an-hour challenge, but failed. And at the same time, felt like my life was pretty boring to share on the internet. Lots of diaper changes and spit-up. But after your encouragement last week, I felt like I mattered a little bit more (thank you for that), and so decided to give it a go again. Except this time, I was more lenient on the photo-every-hour thing and just decided to document my day best as I could. 

I'm always interested in seeing what other people's lives are like, so for the record, here's what life looks like these days around these parts. Boring or not, it's our life and I find myself endlessly grateful for it. 

7 am. 

Si wakes up for his last feeding of the night, which is my very favorite. I bring him in our bed each morning for his breakfast and some sleepy cuddling. Best part of the day, I think. 


While he chills in his swing, I grab a quick breakfast and try to get some emails answered. He's usually pretty chipper in the mornings. 


Tummy time for this dude, while I do some ab workouts. We usually play on the floor for a while in the mornings. He loves looking at his fishie book and talking to the ceiling. Not a big fan of tummy time though. 


We head into the studio, which gets great light in the mornings. I've just started to dabble in creating art again and I'm loving it. For now, just playing with my sketchbook and colored pencils, but I'll break out the paints again soon. 


Diaper change #6 of the day. And outfit change #3. Si spits up like crazy these days. I usually change my outfit a few times a day and by mid-day, he's usually half naked. 


Daddy's home! This isn't very typical, but today he got home early and we were all pretty stoked about it. After a few years with a tough schedule, I'm thankful for these past few months of a relatively easy one. 


Lunch. We were craving some fast food so I got BK and Chris picked up some Taco Bell. You've gotta try their apple and cranberry salad with crispy chicken and apple vinaigrette dressing. Delish.


Chris' dive class bought this giant beach ball as their graduation gift and we went to the beach to play with it for a bit. Well, the boys played with it, while I soaked up some sun and Si hung out in his beach tent. 


A quick dinner tonight since Chris' parents are flying in for the week. Linguine alfredo with chicken and asparagus. Oh, and a Coke, because goodness knows I need the caffeine right now. 


Chris' parents called and are coming in a few hours earlier than we thought. Chris took Silas with him to the airport and this mama is enjoying an hour to myself. I keep hearing phantom baby cries, but otherwise, I'm sitting on my bum with my pens and pencils and enjoying the quiet. And I'm leaving a table of dirty dishes, because it's not often I get a whole hour to myself. 

Tonight, we'll visit with Chris' parents, put Si to bed around 9pm and head there ourselves. And then we'll do it all over again tomorrow. 

three things

donuts on the beach.