Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

some hints that mommyhood has taken over my life.

If the presence of this cute lil' bugger didn't automatically designate me as a mommy, I think these are some hints that I've arrived. 

>> I cried during the movie Deep Impact (the cheesiest of movies) because the scene where the mom gives her baby to her daughter to save her from the destruction of the world tore my heart out. 

>> I actually want to have conversations about what comes out of the bum of another (little) person.

>> My foot is perpetually moving in a bouncing motion. 

>> Instead of a shower and breakfast to start the day, my morning routine now includes a half-asleep feeding in bed and a sometimes bath for a stinky boy. 

>> My idea of an exciting outing by myself (while Chris takes cares of Si for an hour or two) is strolling the aisles of Target while wearing a non-nursing friendly top. Sometimes if I wanna get really wild, I grab an iced caramel machiatto beforehand. 

>> Gas drops and nose suction bulbs are scattered on my bathroom counter along with my makeup and contact solution. 

>> My camera's battery is almost dead and the memory card is full of photos and videos of Silas. 

>> Every driver on the road is a crazed maniac in my eyes. 

>> A 'hot date' these days is when we actually have time to cook (and eat) dinner together in peace and maybe cuddle on the couch while watching Friday Night Lights. 

What are some hints that being a mama has permeated your life?

my favorite baby products

this week.