Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

so you wanna print out your Instagram snapshots??

I've been wanting to print out some Instagram prints for awhile now. Especially after Si came along, I knew I had to get those snapshots in print. I researched each of your suggestions (thanks, by the way!) and finally ordered some prints last month. 

Many of the places I researched offered prints that were smaller or larger than my preferred size. Many of them didn't specify what kind of paper they use and some were just too darn expensive. 

What I like about Prinstagram is that it offers a ton of different options for printing and displaying your Instagram photos. I love the choices, from mini-prints, minibooks, posters and a new calendar option (which I might have to get in on for the New Year!). 

I chose to go with the 4x4 square prints. The weight of the paper and the size of the prints is exactly what I was looking for. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my pictures printed just as I saw them on Instagram-- integrity of the colors and exposure was spot-on! 

The only thing that makes me a tiny bit hesitant to order from Printsagram again would be the website. With a new baby, I don't always have an hour to sit down to choose and order prints. It took me about 3 tries to complete my order. I think the website is lacking an option to save your choices and continue your order at a later time. But I do know that they are still working on perfecting the site, so let's hope we get that option soon!

Besides that, I would absolutely recommend Printstagram prints. I get to look at them every day in our bedroom. I decided to display some of them in a grid over our bed. 

Don't ask me how I did it-- I started with a little bit of measuring at the beginning and then I just eye-balled the rest. I was expecting it to come out all wonky-- thankfully it's somewhat even. ;) The painter's tape I used seems to be holding up really well-- the prints haven't peeled up or fallen off yet. 

And Si loves to lay at our bed and stare at them, so Printstagram has his recommendation too. ;) 

(( Psst.. I was offered a sample for review by Printstagram, but was not financially compensated for this post. As always, my words and opinions are my own!)) 

it's the little things linkup!

it's the little things:: Maryland edition!