Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style:: looking on the bright side

blue tank, lace skirt:: {Forever21}
yellow tank:: {Kohls}
belt:: {Target}
cardigan:: {no idea...}
shoes:: {Payless}
feather ring:: {UE Jewelry}
scrolly ring:: {Blanca Flor, Annapolis}
hand painted necklace:: {coming soon to Hello Hue!}

Ask Chris and he'll tell you that sometimes I can be a pill. Despite my usually sunny outlook, I tend to be the more pessimistic one in our relationship. I worry a recipe will turn out wrong, while he gets excited about adding new ingredients. I complain about not liking Florida, but he thinks fondly on our Hawaiian adventures. I get flustered when plans change, but he looks forward to the new plan. 

So, I do my best to look on the bright side at things. 

For example, it's difficult for me to wear my dresses now that I'm nursing, but a killer skirt and top combo can make me feel just as pretty. 

I'm barely ever alone anymore with this little one around, but I have a captive audience for my made up songs and silly dances. 

We don't get to live in Hawaii for a long time, but we head to Boston next and boy, am I excited for that adventure. 

I get spit up on more often than I'd like these days, but now I actually have an excuse for changing outfits 3 times a day. 

It took me a lot longer than I'd like to find my creativity and start painting again, but I get to start the new year off with a shop opening and I have so many fun products to share with you! 

(Speaking of fun products, thought you might like another peek at the new necklaces coming to the shop! I want to keep them all!) 

How do you look on the bright side? Are you more pessimistic or optimistic? 

PS. I decided to continue titling my personal style posts with "aloha style". I love channeling a little bit of island flavor through my outfits and the bright sunny skies of Hawaii have made a permanent influence on my style. To see more Aloha style posts, go here. 

It's the Little Things linkup!

it's the little things linkup!