Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style:: polka dot go-to

top:: {Target}
pants:: {Forever21}
boots:: {Rack Room}
bag:: {Kelly Moore Mimi }

Few things are making me happier these days than this outfit. First, because that means it is chilly enough to wear boots, which never happens in Hawaii. Also, I actually found boots that I love after two years of searching, with the perfect boots in my mind the whole time. Green jeans add another dimension of color that blue jeans just can't do. (You know I can't just wear one color at a time.) And because of the fit and well, the polka dots, that blouse has quickly become the favorite item in my closet. Oh, and my Mimi bag is perfect as a diaper bag that feels just a little bit sassy. 

Especially when you're working on accepting your body the way it is (as us postpartum moms are doing!), it's so important to have a go-to outfit (or two!). Something that you can throw on in a moment's notice and feel great. Something that can be worn to the grocery store, out to dinner, or to church. It extinguishes that nasty feeling you get, standing at your closet with a pile of outcast clothes on the floor and a husband waiting to walk out the door. I know I'm not the only who's been there! 

So, what components make up your go-to outfit? 

on encouraging others and doing what works for you.

unexpected beauty.