Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

holiday gift idea:: fair ivy subscription service!

I'm a girl who likes surprises. No shaking the presents under the Christmas tree for me. Also, like most people, I love getting surprise packages in the mail. It makes my whole day! And I love surprising others-- like when we secretly showed up in Maryland for a visit when we lived in Hawaii. So, the concept of a surprise package subscription service is pretty rad to me.

Enter Fair Ivy. It's just that-- a subscription service for surprise goodies. Not just any surprise goodies, but handmade ones! For each month you are subscribed, you receive 2-4 beautifully crafted handmade items from artists around the world.

This handmade clutch from Amaya Handmade in Australia is just an example of one item that could show up in your goodie box. It has gorgeous crochet lace rosette on front and bright red polka dot interior and I can't wait to bring it out with me on our next date night.

A Fair Ivy subscription would be the perfect holiday gift for anyone who likes sweet surprises (or maybe even a treat for yourself!) It's also a great way for artists and crafters to have their work spread around the world. (Psst, see more about that here.)

If you're in need of an easy gift for a surprise-loving, handmade goodie fiend, check out more info here. And if you purchase one before Friday, take $10 any women's subscription with the code HELLOHUE at checkout.

(( Psst.. I was offered a sample for review by Fair Ivy, but was not financially compensated for this post. As always, my words and opinions are my own!)) 

it's the little things linkup!

hello hue studio:: coming soon!