Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

confession: i may have worn leggings as pants...

tunic:: {target}
necklace: {moriah makes}
vest:: {cinnamon girl}
leggings:: {charlotte russe}
blowfish tugo wedges:: {c/o lulus}

Okay, I'm venturing into controversial territory here. Leggings as pants. 

I did it the other day and I don't regret it. This was my comfy, running-errands-in-the-cold outfit. Just like I never thought I'd venture into wearing leggings as pants, I also never in a million years would have predicted that I'd wear wedges as an errand shoe. But dang, these Blowfish Tugo wedges seriously are comfortable. I like that I can wear them and feel a little bit more put-together (though I may still have spit-up on my shoulder). 

So, yeah, living on the edge these days. 

Speaking of living on the edge, apparently buying peanut butter is controversial these days too. 

We were at the grocery store a few nights ago and as I plucked a jar of crunchy JIF peanut butter from the shelf, the woman behind me says, 

"Not that you want to hear this, but that's full of fatty hydrogenated oils. It'll clog your arteries."

I looked at her, waiting for the punchline. And?? I thought. 

She continued, "Though, I suppose that's pretty much any peanut butter these days."

"Yep," I said with a shrug, " I guess I just like to gamble with my peanut butter."

I didn't tell her that one of my favorite treats is peanut butter and bacon. I feared the lecture I'd get after that. I wonder if she was standing there trying to assuage all of the PB lovers away from their purchases. Strange. Also, now every time I eat apples with peanut butter, I keep thinking about how my poor arteries are feeling. Thanks, lady. 

Have you taken any risks with your wardrobe lately? Do you think I'm bonkers for wearing leggings as pants?? 

this morning.

it's the little things: cute packaging and sleeping babies