Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

sister style.

Out of my six siblings, I always end up seeing my little sister, Tori, the most when we go home. It's probably because up until a few months ago, she lived at home. I cherished the time I had with her this week, and can't believe the next time we visit, she'll be walking down the aisle marrying her guy. Since she's pretty much the most gorgeous little thing ever, I thought it'd be fun to do a sister style post with her. 

 cardigan:: {Francesca's Collections}
scarf:: {Forever21}
top:: {Francesca's Collections}
necklaces:: {Anthropologie}
belt:: {DSW}
jeans:: {Nordstrom Rack}
leg warmers:: {Kohl's}
boots:: {Nordstrom rack}

scarf:: {gift from sister in law}
cardigan:: {who knows?}
dress:: {Target}
tights:: {Target}
boots:: {Rack Room}

Even though we are six years apart, we've been getting the "twin" thing our whole lives. Didn't help that my mom used to dress us alike. It used to bug me, but now I just smile because yeah, we look a lot alike and little do they know, but we're kind of complete opposites. 

I want 6+ kiddos. She wants one, maybe. 

Her closet is organized and color coordinated, mine is wrinkled piles on the floor. 

I'm a cheapo and buy $1 sunglasses (since I'll break them anyway) and she invests in the good ones. 

Long hair, short hair.

She's always wanted to be a "grownup", but I'll probably always be a goofball.

My wedding colors were pink & orange. Hers will be ivory and cream in May. 

Are you and your sisters alike or opposites? 

Si's first snow.

christmas morning.