Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

it's the little things: baby kisses and penguin sweaters

Some of my happy little things from this week:

baby kisses (really attack my face and eat my nose kisses) from Silas
tiny notebooks filled with lists, ideas and doodles
our new blanket from Stitched Simplicity came just in time for our trip! I love the fabrics I picked out! 
I dug this penguin sweater out of his stash of clothes and it fits him perfectly. I want one in my size. 

At the moment, I'm in a bit of a rush doing last minute packing. We're headed North to visit with family while Chris is away and all I can think about is a nap once we get there. Looking forward to having tons of family around to help with this little guy and that's no little thing at all. 

What made you smile this week? 

party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 

2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar or on the "little things" page.

3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 

4.  Please make sure your post is relevant to this party and is actually a "little things" post (ie. no giveaways, random posts from last month, etc.). 

this morning.

what I've learned:: changing your business name