Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a meetup of influential women.

Hi friends and new buddies. Today I'm linking up with some really awesome girls over on the Influence Network blog. We're sharing a few things about ourselves and hopping around getting to know each other better. We've been asked to share three things about ourselves as well as something we've learned from being a part of the Influence Network. 

1. Being pregnant was a dream, from the very moment I found out, down to my last day. It wasn't always easy, but I never felt more like myself. I felt beautiful and was amazed at the miracles occurring every second in my body. I miss my baby belly dearly and can't wait to rest my hands on one again. Even if it means having people ask me if I'm having twins. That thing was large.

2. I've loved Jesus as my Savior since I was tiny. I never had a crazy falling away period with drinking or boys, but having consistent time in the Word has been a constant struggle in my Christian walk. I've tried accountability partners, devotional schedules and reading on my phone, but I always seem to fall off. It makes me cringe to confess that and write it out. 

3. I carry my pink Camelbak water bottle with me everywhere. It's one of the (many) things on my mental checklist when we leave the house and I feel almost as discombobulated without as I do when I leave my phone at home. Three cheers for hydration. ;) (That was kind of a boring one, but I've got a little boy trying to climb on my computer at the moment!) 

Something I'm learning from the beautiful women on the Influence Network (the forums are seriously inspiring, y'all.) is that no matter what size your audience, God has a calling on your life to influence others. I love that Influence Network is full of all kinds of bloggers-- seasoned, newbies, with huge audiences and just starting out. God doesn't see blog size (or really anything!) as a limiting factor on influence. He's got plan for each of us and I love seeing how He's using influential women in the blogging world and in their own worlds as well. 

I hope you'll take advantage of this sweet opportunity to meet some truly inspiring women. Hop over to the Influence blog visit more blogs and get to know more influential women. 

PS. If you're curious about what the Influence Network is all about, check out their website here. Jesus-loving women are gathering together online to learn about making more of their online lives and letting their love of the Gospel and others spill into their blogs. 

PPS. I just picked the winner for the Blowfish Shoes giveaway! If your name is Madeline Brubaker, you are one lucky girl! Congrats Madeline--I'll shoot an email your way! 

friday link list.

more colored tights and other reasons to smile through weary eyes.