Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a new look, a winner, and a shop re-opening.

Hey hey, a new look for the blog!

Life has been really crazy lately and it's left me craving simplicity. I went with a simplified layout and design and a fresh logo, and Oana delivered, as usual. I'm trying out a left sidebar, which is new for me, and after years of being in the right sidebar fan club, I actually kind of love it. What do you think? You'll find links to my pages (sponsor info, about me, etc.) and links to my email, Twitter, Instagram, etc. on the sidebar under my photo.

If you're reading this in a reader, or email, click over and let me know what you think! 

Also, if you entered the giveaway for the Beautiful Blendings shop credit, thank you!

The winner was Ashley (no link to a blog!) and an email has been sent your way!

If you'd still love to snag a custom cowl or hoop art, use the code HELLOBEAUTIFUL for 25% off your order!

And finally...

The shop is back open! I've missed being in the studio and sending my artwork to you people. As I figure out how to work with this crazy maniac crawling around my feet, I'll be putting new hand-painted necklaces and prints in the shop!

Click here to visit Hello Hue Studio now!

Alright, speaking of crazy maniac, I've got a little boy to chase after now. Have a great Thursday!

right now.
