Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

silas kai at 7 months

I could put about 25 more pictures on here, but I'll spare you the scrolling. Goodness, he makes my heart soar. In the 6 weeks since Chris has been gone, he has grown in leaps and bounds. I'm so excited for his Daddy to come home and discover all the new things he's learned.

At 7 months, Silas...

... is crawling 'like a big boy'. He's advanced from army crawling but still does it when he's feeling lazy.

... is eating rice cereal and loves squash, bananas and his Baby MumMums.

... responds to his name and is definitely a mama's boy. That might have something to do with daddy being gone and so many new faces around lately.

... has a signature smile with his little tongue hanging out. It cracks us up.

... is ticklish on his feet, back and chest. His laugh is infectious.

... is a horrible sleeper. Mama is learning to love coffee more and more.

... has gotten his two bottom teeth and just got his top two teeth this week.

... has just started to pull up on things... uh oh.

... has pulled over a ficus tree and full length mirror and loves trying to chew on computer cords. He keeps me on my toes, for sure.


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