Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a little studio tour and a colorful felt garland giveaway!

Part of me wishes I had "Pinterest worthy" photos to share today of my studio. Perfectly exposed photos of perfectly organized painting supplies and gorgeous hardwood floors to boot. But, eh, all that perfection can be boring. My studio is messy. It's unorganized and I often find myself tripping over canvases (I counted over 60 in there this week!). I do my best to organize my supplies and inventory, so that I'm more efficient, but let's face it, I'm about as far from type A as one gets. 

I keep track of my finished canvas magnets and painted necklaces on an old baking sheet and corkboards. Washi tapes and rubber stamps overflow from cardboard berry baskets and shipping supplies fill up drawers and shelves. I toss my paint tubes in a wire basket on my desk and my paintbrushes (if they're not spilled on the floor being eaten by Silas) are stored in cleaned out jars. 

But I like it. I'm surrounded by happy things that make me smile and inspire me. A colorful rug, a hand-stitched embroidered hoop from a friend. The globe that I grew up spinning (moved from Si's nursery after he started knocking it over). Little notes from Chris about me as a mom. Oh, and a super cute baby who crawls around and gets into everything. 

Also, a recent addition. My bright yellow felt garland, made by Lauren, of Seek First.  Lauren sent me this custom felt garland last week and I hung it up immediately. I love how the sunshine peeks through it and it adds some bright color to my once-naked windows. 

I'd love for you to have your own felt garland to add some happy to your space (be it nursery, playroom, studio, or even your kitchen!). Enter on the Rafflecopter widget below to win a garland of your choice (either from Lauren's shop or even a custom garland!) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To get to know Lauren better, check her out on her blog, Twitter and Instagram!  And if you're just too excited about her shop to wait for the end of the giveaway, use the code HELLOHUE for a generous 20% off everything (including custom garlands!)

leaning into His promises.
