Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


If you're like me (a blogger, shop owner, IG addict), I wonder if these following thoughts will resonate with you. 

In the past few weeks, I've become painfully aware of how much time I spend scrolling through Instagram while Silas plays next to me. Or how often I mindlessly open my lock screen, just to see what's going on, even if I did the same thing three minutes earlier. It's a habit that is starting to take over my days and I'm becoming weary of it. 

I love the online community, the inspiration I find there and the creative people I've connected with and grown close to. But I'm weary of spending so much time staring at a screen when I should be focused solely on my baby boy or the conversation that I'm floating in and out of with Chris. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on balancing your online life and home life. How do you remain present at home with your kids, husband, and friends, but maintain an active presence online? 

For a few weeks now, I've felt the tug to join with Hayley for an 'analog weekend'. You can read more about her decision to disconnect on the weekends here. I'll probably still capture some moments with my camera, but I won't be uploading them to Instagram the second they happen. I want to enjoy our trip to the strawberry patch without inviting the whole blog community. And I want Chris to have my full attention with each conversation. 

(The photo above is one reason why I love having my phone on me all the time. I adore the moment captured and I think I'm going to have to print this one off nice and big to hang in our new home.) 

PS. Just picked the winner for the Seek First giveaway! Anna from Navarre Charm is the winner! Congrats Anna! Just sent you an email! If you didn't win-- feel free to pop over to Seek First and use the code HELLOHUE for 20% your order! 

say no to the frump:: 5+ swimsuits that won't make you miss your teeny bikini this summer

{from our recipe box} chris' spicy and sweet barbecue sauce