Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a shiny new studio and a fresh start.

The picture above is my soon-to-be new studio space. The top floor of our new house was intended for a master bedroom suite, but the staircase is so narrow our bed won't fit. I gleefully volunteered to use it as my studio space and I've been daydreaming about it ever since. 

Eight skylights, beautiful wood floors, built in storage and exposed ceilings beams. It's pretty much a dream come true. And it's ironic because during our home search, I kept saying, "God isn't a genie", meaning that he wasn't going to necessarily give us all the 'wants' on our list. I knew he would provide some sort of home, but I'm beyond ecstatic that I get to create and dream in this space for the next three years. 

I've been busy thinking about what I want this space to be. Not only the decor side (which has been really fun to scheme up!), but also dreaming about the goals I want to set and the ways God can use me in this space.To be completely transparent, with all the craziness of preparing to move, being in transition and waiting for this house, I've been really lackadaisical about seeking out God's heart. Scratch that-- I've been downright ignoring Him. I can feel it in my attitude and the way I respond to people and situations. My Bible has been buried under a box of wipes in the back seat of our car, but this week, I brought it inside and I can already feel the words I read this morning washing away the built up gunk in my soul. A fresh start is close by and I'm a big fan of fresh starts. 

silas' dad.

what we've learned:: flying with baby