Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

thoughts on style and real life.

necklace:: {gift from Lindsey}
tank:: {target}
hoodie:: {anthropologie}
skirt:: {american eagle}
sandals:: {target}
nail color:: {tart deco by essie}

You know what I love? (well, besides cheesecake froyo with cookie dough toppings...) I love reading accessible style posts. Like, the ones where I say, "Ooh, I can totally do something similar with my own wardrobe!" I love seeing style that's wearable, affordable, and real. Honestly, sometimes I get bummed out because I'm not gallivanting around the blog and IG wearing heels and designer frocks. But duh, guys, that's not my life. It is real life for some bloggers, and that's okay. But for me, right now, real life is denim shorts (with baby applesauce on them, most likely) and flats and chipped nail polish. 

The past few weeks, I've been thinking a lot about my style posts. I don't feel like I'm anywhere close to the most fashionable girl out there. And the leftover mama pooch has got me feeling blah. But I began thinking about what inspires me. And it's real life. It's the cute outfits that other mamas are wearing while they wrangle their own babies. Even if it's all from Target. Because heck yes, you can have a busy and hectic life, but still take time to look cute. Nah, looking cute isn't the most important thing in the world, but feeling great about yourself is a pretty big deal, I believe. 

So, you're stuck with my style posts. They may be sporadic. They definitely won't be glitzy. And I'll probably repeat stuff a lot (like this striped skirt... lurve it.) But they'll be me and they'll be real. 

I feel like this post came out sounding like I'm justifying something, but I just wanted to share what was going through my brain the past few weeks. So there ya go. 

If you're looking for some adorable real-life style inspiration, check out two of my newest faves, Merrick's Art and Frill for Thrills. I'd love to hear about some of your favorite real life style blogs! 


a much needed break.