Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

our diy mid-century coffee table (and living room progress!)

A few weekends ago, Chris and I made a coffee table. And it was one of the easiest projects we've ever done together. I'd been looking for the perfect coffee table for awhile and had just about given up on finding an attractive and affordable one. And then, while trolling the internets one day, I came across A Pair of Pear's DIYmid-century table tutorial and that was that. 

We loved her tutorial and followed it almost exactly to a T. We did use a router saw to round the edges a bit so Silas' eyes don't get poked out. I love the character that it gave to the edges. 

I also used american walnut stain instead of dark walnut like the tutorial suggests and it goes perfectly with our existing furniture (not seen in these pictures). I did three coats of stain and sanded in between the coats of poly, which resulted in a really smooth finish. 

We've been propping our feet up on it for about a week now and I am still in love. Thanks to Jake and Jamie for such a great how-to! 

Oh, and that's obviously not where that aloe plant lives on the daily. I thought it looked cute there, but Grabby McGrabster thought it might taste good. I got a cute little tin pot for it yesterday at IKEA, but didn't care enough to re-take the pictures. 

Also, we just got that flokati rug (as in rolled it out from the box right before these pictures) and I'm still trying to decide. I know it's going to be a bit high maintenance, but I'm loving the lushness of it --- for now! 

bloggy buds.

it's a darn good thing I'm not a perfectionist.