Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

will work for blueberries.

glasses:: {c/o firmoo}
dress:: {target}
scalloped teardrop necklace:: {c/o ns pottery}

If you ever meet Si, the way to his heart is simple. Just toss a few blueberries his way. Seriously, this kiddo is obsessed with them. He spots them in the grocery store and points and gasps. He sees them on my plate and starts bouncing in anticipation. They're also a really great way to bribe him to take pictures. Not like I'd ever do that... *ahem*. 

We've just come out from under an incredibly oppressive heat wave that lasted far longer that it should have. I've never lived in a house without air conditioning, and let me tell you, I've never appreciated cool breezes like I have this week. Chris probably is more thankful for the cooler weather more than I am. Let's just say it brought out my cranky side. We've been hiding in the third floor (the only floor in the house with AC) for weeks and last week, I just got so fed up with the heat, the sweat, the fussy baby, the messy bottom floors, and not having energy to do anything about it. I had to ask forgiveness a few times for my awful attitude, and I began to realize why heat waves bring up the crime rate in cities. You know what's awesome about heat waves though? Ice cream for lunch and bra-less outfits. Just saying. 

before I sign off...

shop re-opening and a few words on identity.