Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


Life has been so good, and sweet, and busy around here lately. Chris has been on a break from school and we are working hard to get a lot of house projects checked off the list. Last week, we laid sod down in the front and side yards, where previously big black tarps had covered the dirt. We've got bricks outlining future flower beds and it's all starting to feel much more inviting. 

And hopefully by the end of the week, we'll have a beautiful patio in the backyard. We've never laid a patio before, but Chris has been doing a lot of research, so hopefully we don't goof it up too badly. (I say we, but let's be honest, Chris is doing the back-breaking work, while I just make sure Silas doesn't eat gravel.) I think we'll spend the rest of the summer out there-- under the twinkle lights, in front of the firepit, munching on burgers and Reeses s'mores. 

Chris' parents stopped by this weekend for a quick visit and they left us with a big box of wooden blocks that Silas immediately fell in love with. The sound of towers crashing down has been almost constant this week. I've been making really elaborate towers, only to have that little boy take a gleeful swipe at them before I place the last block. Rule #1 when playing with blocks-- don't get too attached to your towers. 

On Sunday, we bit the bullet and bought tickets to Hawaii for the holidays. I'm starting to get giddy thinking about visiting our favorite spots and smelling that sweet, familiar air again. Where we spent in airfare, I saved on these gorgeous high-waisted bikini bottoms. $4.50 instead of $50? Sure, I'll take that. I told you I was starting to get attached to the high-waisted trend. Good luck finding me in overalls though-- one trend that you'll never see me wearing on this blog. 

Well, the coffee pot is gurgling and I think it's calling my name. That's what's going on around here this week. What about you?

Linking up with Blair's Life Lately linkup! 

day trip.

shop update:: new art prints!