Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

si's first hike.

Last night, we took Silas on his first hike. It's been a long time since we laced up our shoes and headed out for a hike and this one was far more relaxed than our usual adventures. But as soon as we stepped into the woods and inhaled that first breath of fresh forest air, Chris and I both know we had missed hitting the trail more than we had even thought. We tried out our consigned hiking backpack for the first time and Si loved it. You should have seen him drinking it all in, staring at the leafy trees and watching the ground move beneath his dangling toes. Watching him enjoying his first hike so much made it all the more exciting for us. Before we even walked ten feet on the trail, we spotted three deer, including one fawn. Later on, Chris found the most beautiful blue jay feather lying on the ground and when I saw those tiny yellow flowers, I couldn't believe they were actually itty bitty snapdragons-- moving parts and all! It was a really sweet time with my little family and the Hawaiian pizza we all scarfed down afterwards was just icing on the cake. Before we even walked ten feet on the trail, we spotted three deer, including one fawn. Later on, Chris found the most beautiful blue jay feather lying on the ground and when I saw those tiny yellow flowers, I couldn't believe they were actually itty bitty snapdragons-- moving parts and all! It was a really sweet time with my little family and the Hawaiian pizza we all scarfed down afterwards was just icing on the cake. 

good words from winnie the pooh.

jumping on board.