Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


The rain is dripping off the eaves of our house and a cool breeze is coming in through the windows. I'm sitting in my favorite chair in the house and listening to Chris making breakfast before he heads off to school.

Upstairs, four kiddos, my brother and sister-in-law are just waking up. They'll be staying with us for the weekend and I'm hoping the rain clears so we can go into the city for some cannolis and sight-seeing. We've spent the week getting the house ready for guests (my parents come in a few days after my brother's family leaves). I was pretty much just excited for the excuse to buy some more sunflowers. They make me think of my time spent doing missions in Romania and the beautiful people that I grew to love there. 

My left big toe is aching and I think I may have broken it just a little yesterday. Or maybe just a bad bruise. I tend to be dramatic with these kinds of things. Chris and I were putting together our now yellow bed frame and one of the side-rails dropped on my toe. Ouch. Worth it though. I smile every time I walk into our room and see that big 'ol yellow bed. (More details on that next week!) One more project down, countless more on my list.

Chris rolls his eyes every time I say this, but I cannot believe that August is here and my baby is a week away from turning one. It just blows my mind and I might be shaking my head in disbelief for a few weeks. Wasn't he an itty-bitty baby just a few days ago?! We don't have any plans for a big party-- just a day enjoying our boy and spending some time with my parents. I'm sure we'll have some cake too, of course.

happy weekend, friends! 

jumping on board.

{new blog series!] good words.