Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

good words:: you are chosen

I was reading in Ephesians the other day and the words I saw in chapter 1, verses 1-14 stuck out to me as if they were already highlighted. I quickly did my own underlining and sketched the words out one by one, so I could remember them. 

Let these words wash over you today, sisters. As women, we so easily place our worth in things that hold no weight. The cleanliness of our homes or children, the success we have or don't have, the number of comments on our blog posts or Instagram feeds. You know what these words say? They call BULL to all that. You and I are blessed, chosen, predestined, marked, adopted, included, purposed and redeemed by a Father who did all these things long before we could ever earn them. And that period at the end? That means His work is done and there is nothing we can do to change that. Soak in that today. 

Yesterday, Silas fell off our bed, facefirst. I called my mom in hysterics and she could barely hear me above Si's own hysterics. His mouth was filled with blood and I was terrified that he had knocked a tooth out or worse. I knew things couldn't be too bad when he started begging for grapes that he saw on the counter. Thankfully, even though he has a fat lip today and a few bruises on his noggin, he seems to be just fine. But all day long, I felt like the worst mom ever. I literally dropped my kid on his head, and that fat lip was a harsh reminder of my failure. Until I came across this sketch again last night and these words reminded me that before the world even began, God chose me to be Silas' mom. He chose me, he blessed me, and my worth is not found in how perfect of a job I can do as a mom, artist, wife or blogger. My worth is found only in God's steady, unfailing love for me. 

Freeing, isn't it?

pretty pictures from my little brother's wedding.

what I wish I had said during the #influenceconf panel.