Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

art on our walls (and a giveaway!)

Today, I'm sharing a little bit about the beginning of our living room gallery wall, and I have a giveaway that will help you build your own!

When I was preparing for our home tour on Life Made Lovely last week, it really irked me that I hadn't gotten artwork up on our walls yet. As I shared over there, artwork on the walls is one of the things that makes a house into a home for me. The artwork on your walls tells a story about where you've been, what means the most to you, and what your personality is like. So, since I didn't want our blank walls to paint a massive, "BORING" over our heads, I got to work getting a few things hung. 

The wall behind our couch is odd, because there are three small windows above it. For now, I decided to leave it blank and display some artwork on either side of the couch.

On the right side of the couch are three frames and a fedora. I love hats hanging on the walls and all the texture and dimension they give. The small square frame holds scraps of paper from our first Valentine's Day together engaged (which also happened to be 100 days before our wedding). I filled a jar with 100 reasons I love Chris, and this frame holds just a few of those paper scraps. The other two frames are just pretty fillers that make me smile. 

On the left side of the couch are some pieces that hold a lot of meaning. 

The lyrics in coral red at the top are from a Coldplay song that we adopted as ' our song' while dating. There was a lot of waiting during that season (read more about our story here) and the chords at the beginning of that song always grab my heart. 

To the left of that painting, sits a print I made with the lyrics from Christina Perri's song, "1,000 years". It was a song that I heard over and over again at our OB's office while pregnant with Silas and so it became 'our song'. I truly felt like I had loved him for 1,000 years before even meeting him. 

The other two pieces in this little collage were sent to me by sweet friends. On the bottom is a custom portrait created for us, that I'm very excited to share with you soon! 

And in the middle is a sweet photograph taken by Meg Newsom. Meg has a beautiful Etsy shop where she sells her fine art photography and she sent me this photograph recently. I love the bold colors of the flowers against the drab background. Each of her photos are so peaceful and seem to tell a story, which is what I love about them. 

Meg has some other lovely photographs in her shop that would be perfect for a kitchen collage (I love the pomegranate one!) or adding some color and depth to a gallery wall. 

One winner will receive a $50 shop credit to Meg's shop, which could get you a whole array of small prints to make a gorgeous photo grid, or go big and get a huge photo! 

Enter using the Rafflecopter widgit below! Giveaway is open until November 13th! 

(FYI. Mandatory entry requires you to come back to this post to let us know how you'd spend your $50!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

introducing a new blog series on instagram!

six ways to style a striped dress this fall and winter.