Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

behind the scenes of our home tour.

Today, over on Life Made Lovely, I'm sharing some of our favorite rooms in our home! I know many of you have been asking me about a home tour for awhile, so hop on over and check it out. There is still quite a bit I haven't shared, but I hope to post more rooms on here as we work on them. 

Here are a few behind-the-scenes tidbits, lest the pictures give you a false sense of perfection.

I know it's easy to look at these pictures and see a neat, uncluttered room and be impressed. Don't be too impressed. Behind the camera, I assure you, there were piles of random clutter that I cleared from the tabletops. I'm constantly shoving things in drawers when guests come over. 

The night before I took the pictures, I was up in my studio, pulling an all-nighter (which means I was up until 11pm, ha!). I started by just organizing a few shelves with some IKEA supplies I had bought earlier that day, but it turned into a 'pull everything out and purge it all!" kind of night. My studio has never been more organized, and I doubt it will stay that way, but for now, it's refreshing.

If some of the pictures had audio, you would hear Silas in the background throwing a temper tantrum. My guess would be it was about something like I wouldn't let him pour his milk out on the floor. 

Several of the pieces of art hung in my studio are held up with packaging tape. Desperate times... 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures and getting a glimpse into our home and decorating style. Head over to Heather's blog and get the full tour! Happy weekend! 

don't leave me!

sometimes i just need a little sunshine.