Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

all about instagram series:: a stickygram giveaway!

We're continuing the Instagram series today with a giveaway! I thought this would be a fun way to kick off the Christmas break, and when I contacted StickyGram a few months ago, they hopped right on board!

Sprinkled through this series, I'll be sharing different ways that you can get your Instagram photos off your phone and into your hands. The era of digital photos makes capturing memories super simple and easy, but why let them sit there? 

There are a ton of companies that can help you do that, and one of my very favorites is StickyGram. They turn your Instagram photos into tiny square magnets for your fridge, memo board, or any other creative use you could think of. 

I received some StickyGram magnets to review and was really impressed with the quality. The colors and print quality are spot on and each of my photos was crisp and clear. Silas loves seeing the pictures stuck up on our fridge, and when Chris is gone for work, he gets a kick out of finding Chris' face. I'd love to see the magnets be a little bit stronger for holding up papers and such, but as it is, they're still strong enough to hold up some lighter things, and they serve their main purpose (looking pretty) quite well. 

StickyGram is generously giving away two packs of magnets (that's 18 magnets!) to one winner! Check out the Rafflecopter widget below for all the ways to enter! Don't forget to come back to this blog post and leave a comment. I want to know your favorite part of using Instagram.

Is it the community with other moms, artists, bloggers?

Is it capturing memories for your own records?

Or the artistic part of the editing process?

Or is it something else?

Too impatient to wait? Take $2 off your order with the code HELLOXMAS at checkout! And just so you know, TODAY (the 12th) is the last day to order for Christmas delivery for US residents! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

all about instagram:: hayley of 'the tiny twig' talks analog weekends

my little buffalo.