Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

numero dos.

So, the secret is out. Wilkins babe #2 will be joining the family late September! We're so stinkin' excited, and I'm feeling absolutely exhausted and always ravenous, but thankfully not very nauseous. When I was pregnant with Si, I was so pukey and could barely even smell Chris cooking dinner without feeling super queasy. Praise the Lord, this time around, all I want is pizza, and bread, cheese and naps. I don't discriminate-- I'll eat anything that's unhealthy and not a vegetable. And sometimes apples.

I've had one appointment with my midwife and got to hear the heartbeat last week. She let me record it for Chris, so even though he couldn't make my appointment, he got to hear it too. I forgot what a sweet, sweet sound that is to hear (especially after it took her a good five minutes to find it!). I have my first ultrasound to see the babe on my birthday. 

I know a few of our family members were surprised to hear that we were pregnant again, given some of the struggles we dealt with last time. We were prepared for a long wait for #2, but after my hypothyroidism diagnosis in 2011, things seem to be working pretty well, and for that, I am grateful. In fact, that might be why I'm still a little bit in denial (despite very clear symptoms that I'm pregnant and a belly that has decided to make an appearance even before I've hit 12 weeks).

After it took us a little longer than we expected the first time around (with Silas), I really wasn't expecting to see two pink lines for at least a few more months. I even tossed the first (expired) pregnancy test I took because it was taking a long time for any results to show up and I just figured it was defunct. If I had been a little more patient, I probably wouldn't have been fishing a pregnancy test with two pink lines out of the trash later that night and staring at it in disbelief. The next two (new) tests I took were enough to make me think that perhaps I wasn't seeing things after all.

Chris is ecstatic, Silas is oblivious, and I'm exhausted and heading to bed. God is good.

(psst.. posted my first bump pic on IG tonight. Let's just say second time around is no joke.)

PS! Some of you have been asking about the calendar pictured above. I didn't make it, but isn't it awesome? It's from Paper Source, is on super duper clearance, and is available here! 

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