Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

spring line 2014 sneak peek!

Next week, on April 16th, tons of new designs will arrive in the shop! I struggled a bit with the direction of the spring line, until I realized that I was focused more on what I thought was expected of me in my art, and less on what I wanted to do and what God wanted to show through me. 

Here's a little of what you can expect to find. 

Next week, you'll find the shop filled with good words-- words that I know will bring hope, truth and joy to your day. Encouraging words that have been coursing through my heart as I create. They are phrases from the Bible and from songs that have brought lots of joy to me, and I pray they will do the same for you. It's been pressing on my heart to bring more of my faith into my artwork, and these notebooks and prints are the result of that. My hope for these pieces is that the words will pour over you during quiet time as you write in your notebook, that you would be reminded of them each time you pass that print hanging on your wall. I hope that you will gift these pieces to friends and family, passing along the encouragement and joy found in these words. 

You'll also find some brand new motifs-- my favorite of which is the brushstrokes. This particular pattern is really representative of my desire to paint what comes to me organically, instead of what might be popular or what might sell. It's carefree, colorful and you'll find it covering notebooks, necklaces, brooches, and prints. I'm excited to bring a more organic feel into the shop, and I have a few really fun pieces in the works that you'll see in a few months! 

My newest product, the brooches, have been patiently awaiting their release for a few months. Next week, I'll share a few ways you can wear them and my favorite ways to see them styled. Just like the necklaces, they are colorful and a sweet way to add some personality to your outfit! 

In a way, this artwork has been the most labored-over since I opened my shop four years ago. It's more cohesive than anything I've done before, and I've prayed over the pieces, excited to think about who will hold them in their hands in the next few months. But at the same time, it's been a really freeing time of realizing that my artistic voice can be anything I wish, and the joy that comes in that allows me to let loose with my paintbrush and pen. It's always fun to see what comes out of that. 

PS. Awesome photography by RuthEileen Photography-- a sweet friend, and fellow creative with a beautiful heart! 

remaining in the moment.

the things I want to remember about Si at 20 months.