Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

baby girl nursery inspiration

Before last Monday night, I didn't really let myself start brainstorming a space for this girl, or think about the sweet ruffles that might fill her closet, or what fun we would have together. Even though I had an inkling that this baby was a girl,  I didn't want to get my expectations stuck on something and then have to about-face and start all over again. 

So once we found out, I barreled ahead with the day-dreaming. There is already an image in my heart of what she's gonna look like, and I can't wait to see if it's right or wrong. My dream nursery for her came together in about 30 minutes while watching Grey's Anatomy on the couch and surfing my favorite spots on the web. 

I bought the Pamela print by Michelle Armas (one of my very favorite artists) several months ago and it's brightening a spot in my studio right now. I picked the Pamela one, not only because it was beautiful, but that's also my mom's name, so it was a bit of a no-brainer. The nursery is loosely based around that print-- with a big focus on using those bits of turquoise and gold. 

I am not really a fan of the "princess-y" themes of many nurseries, but what better place to bring in some trendy metallic gold than in a baby girl's nursery?! I am in LOVE with this sunburst mirror from The Land of Nod, and the gold foil prints found in Lara Casey's shop. 

Since we already own the turquoise overdyed rug from Rugs USA, I know that it's a gorgeous teal/turquoise hue and would look awesome under a gray glider and all kinds of scattered baby toys. Plus, I think the variations in the color would do well to hide any sorts of spills or stains that might (ahem, will) happen. 

Of course, both these pillows and the colorful fabric letters from Anthropologie are kind of superfluous, but would add a rich and playful touch nonetheless. 

And finally, for midnight diaper changes, this lamp from The Land of Nod, (or this one!) would be perfect perched on a little bookshelf. 

I'm excited to see how her nursery turns out in real life once we actually start working on it. I think a fun part of creating a space is taking lofty inspiration and turning it into a tangible project. 

We're still hashing out where to put her, and might have to end up flipping a coin if we can't agree. Chris wants to take over my studio with a master bedroom, but I'm hesitant to be on a different floor from the kids (mostly for those nighttime feedings-- who wants to navigate stairs while half asleep?!) I've also suggested creating a little office nook for him in our current bedroom, but not sure how that would work out. I'm curious-- do you sleep on a different floor from your kids? Or do you share your master bedroom with an office space? There are a lot of options on the table! 

Psstt... to see more of my nursery inspiration, follow me on Pinterest and check out my board, "baby girl's room"

Oh,and to see my inspiration post for Si's boyish adventure themed nursery, click here.  And to see how his nursery turned out, click here. 

click these links { mamas edition!}

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