Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

copper + torch feature and giveaway!

Every once in a while, I come across a shop that is so unique and creative, that it makes me just a little giddy. Lately it seems that everyone has some sort of handmade endeavor, and it's become rare to find that perfect balance of unique and relative.

Well, I'm really excited to introduce you to Lindsay today (not me, another Lindsay.) She is the maker behind the business, Copper + Torch. She creates glass + soldered copper hanging terrariums, and necklaces with the tiniest and sweetest details. 

Lindsay sent me a few pieces from her shop recently, and I'll tell you firsthand that her products are incredibly well-made and so gorgeous. I stuck a few baby succulents in my Diamond + Triangle Duo terrarium, and they seem to be pretty happy after a few weeks of hanging around in on our dining room wall. Think of all the fun possibilities --  fresh flowers from the backyard, smooth stones, or even filled with pretty sea-glass would be beautiful! 

Her necklaces are their own kind of special. Tiny bits of lace, and the teeniest feathers you've ever seen are placed between two pieces of glass. Lindsay even did a few custom pieces using heirloom lace as gifts for Mother's Day. So personal and amazingly sweet. I love that idea for preserving a piece of a wedding or baptism gown.

I'm really excited that Lindsay is partnering with me for her first ever giveaway! One winner will receive their choice of one of the items above-- a tiny feather necklace (click that link-- her pictures capture the beauty of this necklace way better than mine!), a lace necklace, OR a small terrarium. 

Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. Mandatory entry is to comment on this post with your choice (you're not stuck-- just your first thought!) AND tell us about a personal gift that meant a lot to give or get. Additional and optional entries available too!

PS. Keep an eye out for a HelloHue + Copper and Torch collaboration coming soon! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

these days.

click these links { mamas edition!}