Here we are, in the first week of the third trimester! And all of the sudden-- oof, I feel it.
Last night's sleep was peppered with about a trillion position changes, blankets going on and off twelve times, and at least one Tums snack, that I remember. Realizing that I still have three months to go is a bit frightening, and I'm pretty sure this belly is going to be on par with my Silas belly (click here to see my belly the day I went into labor with him). I'm pretty sure it's already a bit bigger than 28 weeks with him. (insert wide-eyed emoji here)
We finally decided on her full name this week, and it's been so fun to write it out, speak it and start to tell friends and family. Naming a person is such an agonizing, stressful, and exciting privilege. It's a bit scary too-- hopefully she won't want to kill us when she's fifteen. Don't worry-- we'll share soon. It's just too sweet to hold a few things close to our hearts for a bit longer.
Silas is pretty adorable when he talks about his baby sister, and the way he says her name and beams just melts my heart. I think I'm gonna turn into a puddle of goo when they meet for the first time.
what i'm wearing:: kimono:: {c/o lulu's} // tee:: {h+m maternity} // shorts:: {asos maternity} // watch:: {anthropologie}// sandals:: {target} // see my 28 week bump with Silas