Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

friday links. (alternate title: I should be napping...)

My hair is unwashed (two days isn't awful... right?!), the living room floor is littered with puzzle pieces and plastic trucks, and there are dishes to be done. But Silas is finally napping for the first time this week, and so it makes the most sense to me to plop down on my sunny, warm bed and...write a quick blog post.

I haven't done a Friday links post in a little while, and since it's Friday, well, here ya go. 

This blog post written by Chelsea about seeking approval on social media resonated with me. 

Mary from Happy Baby Wrap sent a bamboo wrap my way this week, and I'm pretty stoked to try it out with Delia. 

This post by Carissa about living with less and the struggles of being content was a good read. 

I picked out a new pair of glasses frames from Firmoo this week-- going with a fun pop of electric blue! 

How gorgeous are Anna Rifle Bond's illustrated book covers for these classics? I should start a collection for Delia. 

I always love Sydney's maternity style. This dress from earlier this summer is so lovely.

These new jogger pants from Aerie are so perfect for this fall. I bought a pair of the skinny joggers in "beet" and have barely taken them off all week.

Ok, dishes can wait, but this hair needs some tending to. This weekend is looking to be perfectly crisp, and we're going apple picking in the morning! Three cheers for fall's arrival! Got any fun plans for the next few days?

introducing delia bea.

38 weeks.