Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

3-in-1 Holiday Cards-- a genius idea, and a giveaway from Artifact Uprising!

Tell me if you can relate to this scenario-- March comes around, the Christmas tree is long gone, along with the holiday wreath and colorful lights. But your fridge is still covered in Christmas cards from friends and family, with happy faces beaming out and greetings in bright red, green, and gold. Where do these cards end up? Mine usually get slipped into the trash or recycling, while I grimace with guilt as the cute faces gets covered with banana peels, coffee grinds and junk mail. 

I think I may have sent Christmas cards once in our five years of marriage. There's already so much going on in the season, and realizing that they'll likely end up in the trash bin makes me just a bit sad.

Here's where this genius idea from Artifact Uprising comes in. (Don't you love discovering product ideas that make you go, "YES! That's so smart!"?) Perforated edges allow their new 3-in-1 holiday cards to convert from a holiday card, to a gift tag and a photo print. So your friends and fam can reuse the holiday greeting on an outgoing gift, and a photo of your gorgeous kids can sit on their fridge or bulletin board year-round without looking out of place.

I created ours a few weeks ago on their website, but you can also make them right on your phone with the AU app. I used one of my favorite images from our family photo session with Ruth Allen (more of those pictures to come soon-- they make me swoon!)

So, no need for me to gab anymore-- wanna win a pack of holiday cards? Use the form below to enter! One winner will receive a 25 pack of holiday cards. The holiday deadline for cards is December 7th!

Delia Bea's birth story.

delia at two months...and a giveaway from fawn and clover!