Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a 4moms review and Mamaroo giveaway!

Over the course of my past six years blogging, I've had the opportunity to work with close to one hundred small businesses and companies. And by far, one of the most generous and fun to work with is 4Moms. I love that they donate so many of their unique rockers to NICUs around the country, and this month, they are celebrating the new Mamaroo rocker with giveaways every day. I'm super excited to team up with them today to give a Mamaroo away to one of you! You've probably seen their stylish and techy baby gadgets around the blogosphere-- they're smart, gorgeous, and babies and parents everywhere are loving them. And the Wilkins fam is on board-- their products are a major hit at our house.

When Silas was an infant, he barely slept all day, and all night. I'm tired now just thinking about it. Practically the only thing that would get him to sleep would be his bouncer, which I had to rock with my foot. He liked to rock hard and would start stirring as soon as I even hinted at slowing down. I'd stand at the kitchen counter and rock, sit on the couch and rock, paint at my desk and rock. All day. Erry day. I would have killed for something like the Mamaroo. 

Thankfully Delia is a much better sleeper, and an easier baby all around. But my arms still get rubbery if I try to hold her all day, and she likes motion just as much as Silas did. To the rescue comes the new Mamaroo (or as Silas says, the "Mommy-woo".) Sleek, gorgeous, and versatile, it's where you'll find Delia during the day, unless she's in my arms or playing on the floor. It's tucked in next to our couch, between the living room and dining room, where D can keep an eye on all the happenings. 

The new Mamaroo has five different motions, with varying speeds, that mimic the crazy mom dance (you know what I'm talking about-- I think I look like a crazy person when I'm trying to get her to calm down in my arms!). It has built-in white noise ( that's Silas' job, and he takes it pretty seriously...), and even an auxiliary cable to play your favorite Pandora lullaby station. And the coolest part? The new app (available for Android and iPhone) lets me change the motion, speed, and white noise volume all from my phone. 

The Mamaroo doesn't replace me, but it gives me my arms back so I can play train tracks with Silas, fix dinner, or even just drink my coffee before it's icy cold. Silas will even tell me, "Mom, put her down, put her in the Mommy-woo!" if he needs a little bit more attention from me. I love that the Mamaroo helps me do my mom job just a little bit better. 

Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter to win a new Mamaroo! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Four practical yet stylish coats to keep you warm this winter.

Delia Bea's birth story.