Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

silas says.

Two years old. He's hilarious, infuriating, sweet and precocious, all wrapped up in one blonde-haired, green-eyed little boy. And the things that come out of his mouth leave me snickering with Chris long after Silas is in bed at night. 

While poking a cooked onion on his plate with a little pointer finger... 
"This feels stinky."

After finding a bobby pin on the ground, kneeling in front of an electrical outlet...
 "Lemme just stick this thing in here real quick." 

(Don't worry--I caught him in time, we had a serious chat, and a wayward socket protector was returned to its rightful place.)

After spitting an unwanted bite of food into my hand, and before I tossed it into the trash...
"Noo! Don't throw it away, Mom! Put it in your pocket!"

While holding his nativity scene's baby Jesus...
"I'm sucking on baby Jesus. I think him a lollipop"

Moments after a particularly powerful sneeze...
"I bless you'd in my hot cholk-lik"

After a loud crash in the other room, rather than "Everything's okay...
"Something's oookay!"

While rubbing my dad's bald head...
"You have sunshine on your head. I'm trying get it off."

Peering over at my plate, which had the same food his did...
"Mommy's food is my favorite food!" 

snow days.

cozy and well-prepared // an outfit post and giveaway from Lily Jade