Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Boston views, barnacles, and baby-wearing.

There's a point of land just a few minutes drive from our house that is perfect for a morning of exploring. Shadowy trails lead to a beach that is covered in mats of thick bubbly kelp, barnacle-encrusted rocks, and purple mussel shells. We can see the skyline of Boston from the beach, and planes fly overhead, airport bound. We spent some time there on Friday, snacking in the shade of boulders, and searching for the perfect walking stick.

Some days, it seems like having an almost-three year old and a 9 month old baby have put a damper on the adventures we could otherwise be having. We used to backpack and hike along cliffs and canyons, we used to surf and ride on waves as tall as a house. But discovering barnacles, smelling the sharp tang of the sea, feeling the velvet texture of tiny petals, and chasing seagulls alongside Si and Delia is a little bit like discovering the world and all of its' beauty for the first time all over again. Adventures look a little bit different these days, but the sweetness of sharing them with this crew is unmatched.

how I simplified my wardrobe and saved my sanity in the process.

little gardener.